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OPINION: It's time we cast aside our differences to come together and talk about how sick my tattoos look

OPINION: It's time we cast aside our differences to come together and talk about how sick my tattoos look
28 November, 2021 | By Idaho Spudsman Staff

Alright Idaho, I know we have our differences. Democrat vs Republican, BSU vs UoI, Guns Rights Activists vs Being Normal. But can we just forget our differences for one minute to admire how sick my tattoos look?

For a second, lets forget the picket line and look at these tattoo lines! C-L-E-A-N! Now thats what I call crisp!

I know many of us our suffering because of the pandemic situation, but I also have suffered. During the 3 hours it took to get these colors tattooed in. But boy was it worth it!

Okay now wasn't that little second of unity special? Maybe someday we will learn to coexist. With that being said, republicans please stop driving your loud ass trucks through my neighborhood.

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